Remember a few weeks ago when I said that only news I would care about for the rest of the year was The Selection getting a Netflix movie adaptation. Well I lied. Rick Riordan is writing an adaptation for Disney+ of his beloved book series Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Yes, that is right. We Demigods are getting an adaptation that we deserve! We are going to have age appropriate actors, there will be attention to detail, there will be LGBTQA+ and POC characters. We are getting everything we deserve!

I know, that’s kinda old news at this point. I’m a week or so late in talking about this, but I had the last two weeks planned out so I’m only just getting around to talking about Percy Jackson on the blog. If you follow the Twitter page, @RHRMLBlog, then you know I’ve been freaking out over this ever since the news dropped. So today I will be ranking my top five secondary characters in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series.

I chose to rank some of the supporting characters because I couldn’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t in my life rank the main characters. It would be a massive number one spot with all the leading characters shoved together. I also will only be ranking characters from the first five books. I will not be jumping into The Heroes of Olympus or The Trials of Apollo although some of these characters carry over into these later series.
Now that I’ve done whatever the equivalent of “talking your ear off” is to reading, let’s move onto the actual list.
5. Starting us off at number five is Mrs. O’Leary. She’s such a good dog! If this was a ranking of the best book doggos, she would be on the list. I would really love to cuddle with a giant dog right now.

4. He probably would hate me for ranking him this low, but at number four we have Apollo. Is this because of the beautiful line Thalia has in The Titan’s Curse where she says, “wow, Apollo’s hot.” Yes, yes it is. But it’s also because he has the greatest haikus known to man. And because there is a great line in The Last Olympian where Percy has a weird daydream in the Empire State Building’s elevator of Apollo disco dancing. That scene has stayed in my mind for many, many years, and I hope that scene has made its way back into your mind.

3. Connor and Travis Stoll land at number three on this list. You can’t have one without the other which is why I’ve put them together. Their antics make for great humor in the series, and became some of my favorite characters in The Last Olympian; again this is due to their humor during the dire situation. If I was in the same situation as them, I too would try to raid a candy store.

2. At number two I bring you Silena Beauregard. She, while only appearing briefly throughout the series until The Last Olympian, has an amazing character arch. I am a sucker for a good double agent story, and Silena has a heartbreaking, shocking one. She has done horrible things, but she has fully redeemed herself ten times over by the end of the The Last Olympian.

1. Sally Jackson deserves the world! She has put up with so much shit and deserves to be at the top of this list. She is, without a doubt, the best mother figure in all of literature. If you disagree with this, you are wrong and need to rethink your life’s decisions.
